
Welcome to Kohutu Health

Kohutu Health provides complementary health care for a wide range of conditions.  SCENAR is an approved medical pain relief device. 

We are located in Manakau, three minutes off SH1 between Otaki and Levin.

Pip’s interest in establishing Kohutu Health arose after the death of Pip’s mother, radiographer Marj Gordon following exposure to the toxic chemicals used in processing xrays.  Her daughter, Phillippa (Pip) Martin, became interested in the effects of chemicals used in workplaces, and began searching for answers to help with toxic chemical and heavy metal loads in the body. In 1997 she established SNFTAAS – The Support Network for the Aldehyde and Solvent Affected, an organisation which provides information to affected people to support their healing, as well as raising public awareness with government action to prevent toxic exposure. For this work she received the QSM – Queen’s Service Medal.

nathansclaserHere Nathan Howell receives low-level LASER on reattached fingers after a concrete-cutting accident requiring 12 hours of surgery. Nathan received SCENAR treatment to speed healing and his surgeon stated that he had never seen such a fast reattachment.

Pip has travelled extensively to learn about medical therapies and new techniques. She has been especially interested in finding safe, non-invasive solutions as many people with environmental sensitivities / toxic loads react badly to petrochemical-based drugs.

Therapies and strategies which have been helpful in the clinic for people with a wide range of ailments are Scenar, Soft Laser Light Q-1000, the Healing Blanket, Homeobotanicals, heavy metal chelation, Body Talk, providing minerals/vitamins etc (if indicated by muscle testing), and very importantly, using sound traditional principles of nutrition.

Testing which helps identify health issues includes muscle testing (kiniesiology), and the latest laboratory testing for hormone function (the DUTCH test), food sensitivities, parasites, and mineral imbalances (including Hair Testing).

The importance of eating nutrient-dense foods, properly prepared is critical for healing and health. In the 1930s Dr Weston Price (www.westonaprice.org)  travelled the world to find out what kept traditional societies healthy (including having excellent teeth and jaw and bone structure) despite many different food sources. These principles are equally valid today. Low sugar nutrition with healthy fats and moderate protein is emphasized. Excellent resources include Prof Grant Schofield et al’s book What the Fat? and Dr Mercola’s Fat For Fuel

It is recommended to become familiar with the work of Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride, Neurosurgeon, Nutritionist and Mother of an autistic son who is today a normal teenager after following principles of tradtional nutrition ( www.gaps.me ) Her books: “Gut and Psychology Syndrome – GAPS” and “Put Your Heart in Your Mouth”,  include information on the critical importance of eating good animal fats including butter, and coconut oil.
Another important work is Sally Fallon’s “Nourishing Traditions – The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats”.